Name: Deborah Maureen Parker

Age: 20

Birthday: November 22, 1981

Location: Toronto, Ontario

School: University of Toronto - University College

Favourite Food: Shrimp

Favourite Movie: 'The Wizard of Oz'

Favourite Actor: Seth Green, Brendan Frasier and Glenn Quinn

Favourite Actress: Judy Garland

Preferred Pop Brand: Coca-Cola

Favourite Colour: Deep Blue

Favourite Television Show: 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer', 'Angel' and 'Gilmore Girls'

Love of my Life: Jay

Way to Kill Time: MU*ing

Favourite Song: 'Anna Begins' by Counting Crows

Siblings (on my father's side): Greg, Danny, Anne, Jennifer, Rebecca, Caroline, Rozy, Margaret, and Suzy

Languages Spoken: English, French (fairly well), Irish (only a little)

Favourite Time of Day: Late-Night

Pets: 3 dogs (Biscuit, Brittany, and Rusty) and a cat (Rupert) at my mom's; a kitten (Roki) and a rabbit (Nimbus) at my apartment.

Favourite Junk Food: Kinder Surprise Eggs

Favourite Stuffed Animal: Tibbar Retsae (or Tibs) - (hint: read it backwards)